Thursday, October 19, 2006

Doc For President

I am an unaffiliated write-in-candidate for President - 2008.

We all need to be honest and take an equal and fair burden in ensuring our future freedom.

Currently, politicians appeal to personal greed, fear and status (at the expense of others freedoms) instead of preserving the principles that made America free.

To me, this is intolerable.

Where are leaders who will lead where the American People want to go?

Where are leaders who even have an interest in sustaining constitutionally protected freedoms, civil rights and equality under the law?

Haven't we suffered too many years under politicians who only pander to special interests and fail to sustain the freedoms that America was founded under?

Americans do not deserve political game playing and self-enrichment in elected officals and their appointees.

I want to see positive change and an honest job well done.

I will explore and propose ideas to:
Complete the task of eliminating global terrorism - without victimizing our people or others
Establish Foreign Policy that serves and protects people instead of enriching politicians
Operate according to the principles embodied in the Constitution and Bill of Rights
Eliminate Unconstitutional laws and practices
Improve the common welfare
Revise the tax formula to one that is fair for ALL Americans.
Develop a National Health Policy
Restore the public mental health services eliminated by President Reagan
Eliminate terrorism at home and abroad
Provide security for the Nation and for the Individual
Resolve environmental hazards
Achieve clean, plentiful and cheap energy
Eliminate the opportunity for graft in public office
Encourage the expulsion of the liars and crooks in our government at all levels
Govern by and for the people
Eliminate special interests and pork barrel spending
Make all Government Representatives and Officials Honest, Accountable and Responsible
Ensure governments deal with the United States in an honorable and accountable manner
Eliminate opportunities for public servants to enrich themselves through political office

I am not affiliated with any political party.

The intentional polarity created by political party-ism disgusts me.

If you will select the link to "Issues For America", you will find a preliminary list of issues I am planning to address.

Each issue will include a link to a fuller exposition.

America needs to return to honest and constitutional government.

This can only be done by THE PEOPLE!

That means YOU & ME!

Nothing good can be accomplished by Dividing and Polarizing the public.

When politicians divide us on sensitive and unfair issues, they are destroying us.

United We Stand - Divided We Fall.

You may read my daily blog at